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A green rooftop showcasing eco-friendly and sustainable living

Impact & Activism

Greenhouse gas emissions continue to be the leading contributors to climate change, which is having devastating effects on our planet. As investors, we seek clear and consistent greenhouse gas emissions disclosures, along with strategies to reduce emissions, from the companies within our portfolios. We ask that companies assess their scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions to capture both direct and indirect releases, that they set GHG reduction targets in line with the Paris Agreement, and that their internal business practices also mirror a commitment to net zero emissions. As Meredith Benton, Founder and Principal at Whistle Stop Capital stated, “Long term investors, like Nia, want to hold stocks that will outperform in the future. Future outperformance requires the ability to operate in a low carbon economy.”

OraSure Technologies

The resolution requested that OraSure Technologies, within a year, issue near and long-term science-based GHG reduction targets aligned with the Paris Agreement’s ambition of maintaining global temperature rise to 1.5 °C and summarize plans to achieve them. The targets should cover the Company’s full range of operational and supply chain emissions.


nia impact capital




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4900 Shattuck Ave, #3648

Oakland, CA 94609

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Gender Equity Now (GEN) Certification
B Corp Certification
1% for the planet certification
thirty percent coalition
Finance for Biodiversity Pledge
CFA Society San Francisco
Racial Justice Investing

Nia Impact Capital is a proud member of CFA Society for the period covering July 6, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024. The firm pays an annual membership fee to the organization. Nia Impact Capital is also a member of the Thirty Percent Coalition and paid a membership fee for the period beginning October 2023 to October 2024. We are also proud to be BCorp, 1% for the Planet, and Gender Equity Now certified, for which Nia paid initial fees for the due diligence process. We obtained our BCorp Certification in September of 2017 and remain a current participant. We obtained our 1% for the Planet Certification on December 31, 2022 and remain a current participant. We obtained our Gender Equity Certification in August 2018 and remain a current participant. Nia Impact capital is also a founding participant of the Racial Justice Investing group, which is a volunteer group and has no associated membership fees. Nia Impact Capital is also a signatory of the Finance for Biodiversity pledge, which has no associated fees. Nia Impact Capital is not aware of any conflicts of interest associated with its membership in 1% for the Planet, CFA Society, B Corporation, certification by Gender Equity Now, Thirty Percent Coalition, the Racial Justice Investing group, or the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge.

© 2023 Nia Impact Advisors, LLC dba Nia Impact Capital is an SEC registered investment advisor.
Refer to ADV brochure and disclosures and form Client Relationship Summary.

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